Monday, November 8, 2010

Hey, I've got nothing to do today but smile

Sometimes your dreams are meant to expose some sort of dark hidden 
subconscious truth, other times..
Well ….

Last night I dreamt I was a music teacher who was about to lead her school team into marching band battle, only thing was, I was late and couldn't catch up to my group because all the different bands were loudly weaving through the streets of New Orleans and there was no way I could push my way through to find my team. I was getting a little flustered that I had to follow such a terrible band when all of a sudden a crazy old dog in a drumming suit pulling an empty wagon ran towards us like a bat out of hell. I’m not quite sure how, but somehow I calmed him down. I held him in my arms, petted him and sang “Only Living Boy in New York“ and we became good friends. As we sat to the side letting all the colourful bands pass us by, my group suddenly came around the corner, and they were all the characters from Community. Yay!
… and then I woke up.

1 comment:

liz@carpeseason said...

Please tell me Abed was playing the tuba.