Thursday, November 18, 2010

Here, There, and Most Everywhere

A quick recap.
I left this.

 For a nice day in Portland with this lady.

Then I packed my bag and headed to the airport nice and early only to learn after a few hours that my flight had been cancelled. Instead of flying this way and that with too many layovers I opted for a flight the next day, which worked out just fine because I got to drink a few more Stumptowns and see an old friend I hadn’t seen in a while.

One photoless day in Vancouver with a great lady
...don't worry, you'll get to see her in a second .... 
and I was back in an airport.

A kind stranger with a hometown connection let me share his fancy car home from the airport, because the shuttle was far too expensive. 
Seriously Toronto?! 22$?! 
The next day after a little rest I made a small feast with the lady ...

... and then there were kitties!!

Look who flew across the country for dinner?

After that I went back to the county for a birthday and some packing .. 

My little brother isn't quite so little anymore.

Little brothers make good barbers.

Once he was pretty enough for the city ...

... we set off.
And now, I live in Toronto again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seeing Rachel's picture makes me smile, and your friend looks like Jason Shwartzman with short hair.