Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009 - The Year That Was (Part 1)

Dearest 2009,

You weren't exactly what I expected, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. We had lots of good, great, and wonderful times together, and although there were perhaps a few less than mentionable ones, I would say overall I will look back upon you quite favourably. So let's hold hands and take a look back at the year that was you....


2009, you came into my life in true county style with a night spent curling followed by a delicious potluck, dancing, and Labatt 50s at a cheap motel. We do these sorts of things right in the county.

We sported the latest fashions.
I was quite impressed with my little brother’s ice rink. He and his friends found some black ice while doing doughnuts in the field … bad little brother... Tom then convinced the guy that lived next door to let him to use his water to feed the ice, and his power to hook up some lights so the boys could play a few games of puck … good little brother....

I also learned a very important lesson this month, sometimes being a bossy daughter actually gets you somewhere ... specifically Mexico.


Being unemployed and living in the county can be more than a little depressing, especially in the winter. Thankfully cameras are good best friends.....

..... and so is Allison.
A super wonderful friend came to visit ...

… I even made a few surprise visits myself
First stop Toronto for Cuff the Duke, Elliot Brood, and St.Paddy`s day .....

... then I was off to Montreal for hugs and dancing with old friends.

Dance, dance, dance with me!

April saw me take up my annual gentile duties at the Passover table of my most favourite of the chosen peoples.

I popped by the farm to see my favourite farmer ....

April was also the month I successfully started a little project to keep myself busy and awake in the mornings ....

But then, just like that, it was time to say my good byes to the ladies who lunch, the family, the newspaper man, old friends and new because my passport got a little heavier ...

.. and so off we went ....

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